Moving Mountains In the Shadow of Corona Virus
A lot of us are moving mountains right now. I’ve had many calls these past few days with founders who are figuring out how to stay ahead of the curve. The resourcefulness and optimism I’m seeing
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Moving Mountains In the Shadow of Corona Virus
A lot of us are moving mountains right now. I’ve had many calls these past few days with founders who are figuring out how to stay ahead of the curve. The resourcefulness and optimism I’m
About the Author
Molly Montgomery is the founder of Founder’s Haven, a research and training organization that helps founder executives perform and lead at their highest potential.
After spending nearly two decades researching and successfully integrating cognitive psychology and neuroscience in with her life and work, Molly leveraged her expertise in the field of financial forensics to develop a framework for founders that rapidly paves the way to optimal performance and fulfillment.
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“In the last twenty years, meditation has gone from being something your cooler (if slightly more eccentric) friends might practice to a fix for everything from your weight problem to your difficult relationship to your productivity level. But doe that all sound too good to be true? In answer, unveiling the cutting-edge research that has made them giants in their fields, Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson show us the truth about what meditation really can do for us, really can’t do for us, and how we can get the most out of our practice.”